FEMeeting Seeds

These are the seeds of our garden, the aromatic herbs and giant sequoias growing within FEMeeting all throughout the year: the members of our world wide community. This part of our garden’s program includes video testimonies, images, sounds expressing the character and soul of some of the extraordinary women working today in art, science and technology.

Available online during all the festival. Between 9.9 and 13.9 , 00.00 to 23.59 CET. At the Lakeside hub: https://hubs.mozilla.com/vQExNSe/spry-studious-place

and the FEMeeting Pad Hub: https://hubs.mozilla.com/q9aA64g/femeeting-2020-garden-padathubs


Amy Youngs, US; Agnes Chavez, US; Alan Tod, FR/PT; Boryana Rossa, BG/US; Branda Miller, US; Elaine Whittaker, CA; Ellen Levy, US; Fabiane Borges, BR; Hege Tapio, NO; Jennifer Willet, CA; Kim Doan Quoc, FR; Lena Ortega, MX; Lila Moore, UK; Louise Mackenzie, UK; Maja Smrekar, SI; María Antonia González Valerio, MX; Mark Lipton, CA; Maya Minder, CH; Minerva Hernandez, MX; Nathalie Dubois Calero, CA; Pavel Tavares, BR/PT; Polona Tratnik, SI; Ryder Cooley, US; Stephanie Loveless, US; Suzanne Anker, US.


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