Abstract book for FEMeeting 2020: Paris

(Workshop cancelled)
co-organized by Leonardo/OLATS (FR) and FEMeeting co-founders’ Marta de Menezes and Dalila Honorato. 2020 Leonardo Space Art, Science and Culture Workshop “All Women Crew” does not intend to discuss the “role” of women in astronautics and astronomy nor to try to define what a “feminine approach” to space could be. Rather, totally inline with the FEMeeting, it is to give the floor to women that work in those fields be they artists, scientists, cultural players, ingeniers and in so doing making them visible and, possibly, imagining a more balanced and non patriarchal vision of/for space.

Annick Bureaud, FR; Yulia Akisheva, FR; H.l.ne Ben A.m Drieux, FR; Fabiane Borges, BR; Marie-Pier Boucher, CA; Kitsou Dubois, FR; F.licie d’Estienne d’Orves, FR; Elizaveta Glukhova, NL; S.gol.ne Guinard, FR; Michelle Hanlon, US; Flis Holland, FI; Dalila Honorato, PT/GR; Adriana Knouf, US; Minna L.ngstr.m, FI; Aoife van Linden Tol, UK; Daniela de Paulis, NL; Mirjana Povic, ET; Neha Satak, IN.

Organized by:
Annick Bureaud with the contribution of Ewen Chardronnet and Susmita Mohanty.

Supported by:
The Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation (FR) and Cultivamos Cultura (PT).

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